2024-09-04 17:49:10 by 爱游戏ayx


Introduction 塑胶跑道修饰词汇英文翻译 (Plastic Track Modification Vocabulary Translation) is a comprehensive guide that provides accurate translations of key terms related to the modification of plastic tracks. The article is aimed at individuals who are involved in the construction, maintenance, and repair of plastic tracks, as well as those who are interested in the field. Plastic tracks are widely used in sports facilities, including running tracks, tennis courts, and basketball courts, among others. These tracks require regular maintenance and repair to ensure that they remain in good condition and provide optimal performance. The article provides a detailed list of key terms that are commonly used in the modification of plastic tracks, along with their English translations. Key Terms 1. 塑胶跑道 (sù jiāo pǎo dào) - Plastic Track The term 塑胶跑道 refers to a type of sports surface that is made of synthetic materials, such as rubber, polyurethane, and other plastics. Plastic tracks are used in various sports facilities, including running tracks, tennis courts, and basketball courts, among others. 2. 修饰 (xiū shì) - Modification The term 修饰 refers to the process of modifying or improving a plastic track. This may involve repairing damaged areas, adding new layers of material, or applying coatings to improve the surface's performance. 3. 表层 (biǎo céng) - Surface Layer The term 表层 refers to the top layer of a plastic track. This layer is typically made of polyurethane or rubber and is responsible for providing traction, shock absorption, and durability. 4. 硬度 (yìng dù) - Hardness The term 硬度 refers to the degree of hardness of a plastic track's surface. This is an important factor that affects the track's performance, as a softer surface provides better shock absorption and reduces the risk of injury. 5. 弹性 (tán xìng) - Elasticity The term 弹性 refers to the ability of a plastic track's surface to rebound after being compressed. A surface with good elasticity provides better shock absorption and reduces the risk of injury. 6. 磨损 (mó sǔn) - Wear and Tear The term 磨损 refers to the gradual deterioration of a plastic track's surface due to usage over time. This may result in cracks, holes, or other damage that can affect the track's performance and safety. 7. 补修 (bǔ xiū) - Repair The term 补修 refers to the process of repairing damaged areas of a plastic track. This may involve filling in cracks or holes, applying new layers of material, or other methods of restoring the surface's integrity. 8. 涂层 (tú céng) - Coating The term 涂层 refers to a layer of material that is applied to the surface of a plastic track to improve its performance. This may include coatings that provide better traction, reduce wear and tear, or enhance the track's aesthetic appearance. 9. 预防性维护 (yù fáng xìng wéi hù) - Preventive Maintenance The term 预防性维护 refers to a proactive approach to maintaining a plastic track's surface. This may involve regular inspections, cleaning, and other measures to prevent damage and prolong the track's lifespan. Conclusion In conclusion, the 塑胶跑道修饰词汇英文翻译 is an essential resource for individuals involved in the construction, maintenance, and repair of plastic tracks. The article provides accurate translations of key terms related to the modification of plastic tracks, which can help improve communication and understanding among professionals in the field. By using these terms correctly, individuals can ensure that their plastic tracks remain in good condition and provide optimal performance for years to come.
